Cloud Storage series : Understanding the Advantages of cloud storage with AWS

Farrukh khalid
3 min readSep 13, 2022


For many organizations, moving to the cloud is a lot of work. To determine what you have to do and for what cloud services depends on a full assessment of existing storage infrastructure.

When considering operating your workloads on AWS, you should analyze your storage alternatives first. AWS Storage offers the services you need to create the storage solution that is suited for your company

Whether on-site or in a cloud environment, you have three major storage options: block, file, and object. Different cloud service providers and storage hardware manufacturers utilize these storage types in different ways. However, the fundamentals of each storage type are fundamentally the same, regardless of where it is located, who manufactures the hardware, or who provides the service. The specific features and capabilities vary depending on how the manufacturer or service provider implements the storage.

Storage types provided by AWS

AWS suggests that you consider what storage attributes are acceptable for your apps and company before selecting an AWS Storage package. After being acquainted with AWS Storage, you can compare your requirements to the AWS Storage services and choose the option that best matches your demands. Here we will look in to the benefits of transferring your storage workloads to the cloud.

Organizations who take the effort to determine where and how their data is kept will have a leg up on migrating their existing workloads to the AWS Cloud Organization should identify where and how data is stored, then compare cloud storage service options against their existing options

Why organizations move to the cloud ?

increase organizational agility

AWS Storage services solve the difficulties of on-premises storage agility. You may simply alter current storage services or install new ones when utilizing AWS Storage services.

AWS will handle the necessary resources for you. To alter your storage infrastructure, you do not need to dedicate time, installation and management people, data center space and hardware, or utilize fixed and variable expenditures. You control how you utilize the storage services you provide.

You have practically endless storage capacity when you need it. You can increase storage capacity as needed while avoiding over-provisioning.

AWS vs On-premises storage

You can reduce storage capacity or discontinue use of a storage service at any time. Physical system constraints do not prevent you from using storage services.

As needed, you may utilize AWS services to move data across storage silos or systems. After migrating your data to a different provider, you can remove the source service or delete the data from the service to save money.


On-premises storage and network infrastructure are typically not consistently protected against external or internal access

Among the security concerns are:

  • Physical security access to storage systems.
  • Consistent encryption for data at rest and data in transit.
  • Access constraints for users, groups, and roles that are appropriate.
  • External network attacks or system hacking.

Organizations may improve their security posture by minimizing data silos and enhancing encryption rules as they acquire insights. When you utilize AWS, you inherit all of the controls, tools, best practices, and certifications designed for even the most security-conscious enterprises

Cloud providers protect the cloud infrastructure and keep it separate from user applications. The advantage is that you no longer have to be concerned about infrastructure security.


When you use cloud storage, you don’t have to acquire equipment, supply storage, or set aside money for “someday” circumstances. You may add or remove capacity as needed, quickly alter performance and retention characteristics, and pay only for the storage you use. Auditable rules can be used to automatically shift less often accessed data to lower-cost tiers. This flexibility drives scale economies.

Cloud storage is frequently purchased from a third-party cloud provider who owns and maintains data storage capacity and provides it on a pay-as-you-go basis through the internet. These cloud storage solutions manage capacity, security, and durability to make data available to your apps throughout the world.



Farrukh khalid

AWS Certified - Cloudpine - Certified Cloud DevOps Engineer- Docker - Kubernetes - CI/CD - jenkins